Thanks to a post by Sdr Lim Kit Siang, we get to see an advertisement for a Corporate Secretary Certificate course by Institute of Professional Development of OUM which blatantly discriminates between bumiputeras and non-bumiputeras.

Basically, the enrolment requirements for potential students is differentiated according to whether you are a bumiputera or non-bumiputera. If you are a bumiputera, only 12 months of working experience is as a prerequisite. However, if you are non-bumiputera, the prerequsite working experience can vary between 18 months to 2 years, depending on whether you are working in a related field. What type of justification can OUM come up with to require such prerequisites?
OUM was set up with one of its principles to utilise "the latest technologies to improve the delivery systems. One of the emerging delivery systems much talked about is Open and Distance Education which is fast becoming the way of providing education to the masses."
As a result of this new phenomenon, in August 1999, the Minister of Education invited Multimedia Technology Enhancement Operations Sdn. Bhd. (METEOR), a consortium of 11 public universities in the country, to set up an open university. The move by the Minister led to the establishment of Open University Malaysia (OUM) in August 2000 followed by its official launching on 26 August 2002...It is laughably hypocritical when it is proudly stated on the OUM website that
OUM adopts the motto “University for All" which is consistent with its philosophy on democratisation of education. This philosophy underlies the belief that education should be made available to all, regardless of time, place, age and social economic background.Clearly one of OUM's missions to "democratise education" is subject to ridicule with discrimitory policies such as the above. OUM also claims to have the "shared values" of "Integrity", "Professionalism" and "Caring". I can see clearly, a lack of "integrity", total absence of "professionalism" and little in terms of "Caring".
To quote Sdr Lim:
How can national unity make headway when educational institutions, in particular tertiary institutions, become hot-beds of discrimination, division and disunity, as in the case of OUM-IPD course and advertisement mentioned.In most other professional institutions overseas, the vice-chancellor would have had to resign for permitting such discriminatory practices. I would strongly encourage the new Minister of Higher Education to publicly reprimand the university for carrying out such unjustified racial discrimatory practices against Malaysians.
Many administrators and academicians in tertiary education institutions have lost sight of the Rukunegara philosophy and principles, which see Malaysia’s ethnic and religious diversity as an asset that should be taken advantage of to create a united, just, democratic, liberal and progressive society.
The entry requirements outlined by OUM for its course is just absolutely disgraceful!
Hey, people, why so surprise? Malaysia has been practising open discrimination since the launch of NEP.
Just that, those discriminating concepts change forms over time only. Like getting more advance, in accordance with the world?
No Big DEAL~
Haha, those OUM buggers took down the requirement already. One wonders if it's really been repudiated, or if they're just waiting till the fuss dies down.
this is really impressive and tat is why they cant even compete with the uni in singapore..if uni in singapore put it this way..Univeristy for all, for sure they will beat us up well
OUM policy really need to change as to prepare a good workforce for our going down south country~~.
besides that, why do always debate MU, OUM itself is a big problem with open descrimination...
any solution to create a malaysian?
blame whole education system but look at top,nth been done about it..
apology if I offence anyone.
Old habits die hard...
Dear all, discrimination is not a new thing. At least the OUM is being transparent here with their policy. I prefer it this way than other universities which proclaimed to practice equality, but in actual fact is still discriminating its students.
The text has been removed, but is the race-based requirements removed? I bet the requirements are still persist. Try to apply and see.
With this kind of attitude and way of administering the country and GLCs, we can foretell a detour of 2020!
Discriminate or STUPID? I'm not sure. Using those enrolment criteria, it seems OUM fails university qualification status.
Does it mean non-Bumi are much "stupid" because they need 2 year experience? Or it means all Bumi fails to achieve same requirement as non BUMI (it means OUM assume they can't get a job last for 18 months?)?
Positive discrimination is a fact of life in Bolehland. Just look at
the varsity entrance to IPTA every year.
But, sometimes, I wonder..why dont they do it more tacitly ? :)-
Oh hell yeah, I am so tempted to send them tonnes of emails about the them practising discrimination is wrong. Didnt their mom ever teach them that? Or their mom teach them to discriminate? Unfortunately I cant even find the contact us link to shoot email to them.
Pur. Boy
The silence is deafening as no govt official or political bigwig (other than certain opposition parties) has chastised the OUM for the "discrimination".
Very un-Bangsa Malaysia.
Well..that's the advantage for being bumis. After all, this land belongs to bumis and your ancestors are all just immigrants coming to this lovely land and consequently become its citizen. What else do you want from this country? You have got everything and you still whining about bumis privileges. Oh...i almost forgot that this is the only place for you to express your dissatisfactions. Next time you better read and take note of our Constitution to get clear picture of bumis privileges.
Well said...I totally agree...what more do you want? Read the History book well...
sumtimes i wonder, "wat my chinese race has done 2 da bumis 2 deserve such discrimination???"
eatin luncheon (pig) in front of dem perhaps???
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