Just a note from a student seeking assistance from female students in Computer Science and IT to help complete a survey. ;)
Hi, my name is Jinny and I'm currently doing my postgraduate diploma studies with the School of Arts and Sciences in Monash University. I'm doing a research on Malaysian female students in Computer Science and IT Education and I'd like to have a little chat with you about your experiences studying CS/IT! I am conducting a survey and interviews to gather some data for my research on the approaches, experiences and motivations of a female student in CS/IT. These interviews are very integral to my qualitative researching.
What are the benefits of participating in the interview and survey?
Your participation in this research project would greatly contribute to building research in the area of gender, technology and education in a Malaysian context, and hopefully will lay the path to making the Computer Science and IT study experience more enjoyable, rewarding, attractive and friendly to female students! :)
I'm conducting interviews for my research, and if you are:
- Female,
- Malaysian,
- Is a student or a graduate of Computer Science or Information Technology in a private or foreign University,
I'd love to talk to you and hear about your experiences, preferably through face-to-face interviews. If you would like to share your experience with me, drop me an email @ sjwon1@student.monash.edu by 12 August, 2007.
I'm also conducting a survey, it would be really helpful if you could participate in the survey too :) If you are:
- Female,
- Malaysian, and
- Is currently studying Computer Science or Information Technology in a private or foreign University, do head over to http://yoyo.monash.edu.my/assistsurvey/ to complete the survey!
Please do consider making yourself available for the interview or take part in the survey - thank you!
If you have any questions regarding the interview or survey, don't hesitate to ask me directly @ sjwon1@student.monash.edu
Just curious...Only for 'students from private & foreign universities'?
Yes, this is only limited to private and foreign university students because of the limitations of time - this is a one year study, as well as complications (mostly time related and also some slight differences with my theory) arising from interviewing public uni students.
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