Well, that's apparently how Parliamentary Opposition Leader, Sdr Lim Kit Siang's blog has been classified in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), as shown in the screen capture above ;)
Apparently, the web administrator of Pusat Pengetahuan, Komputer dan Telekomunikasi (PPKT) have decided that Sdr Lim's blog should not be accessed by USM students. Hence not only are university students not allowed to participate in political activities under the UUCA, but even viewing it online is now prohibited.
Several students have made complaints to the university authorities, and we'll see if the policy gets reversed (or has been reversed, as I've gotten this 3 days back) ;)
I can't help but to laugh my a** off. The uni admin is ridiculous. That's pretty summed up the mentaility of those in charge of the civil services.
Things may have changed, or the category is different as from the central database. Go to http://www.fortiguardcenter.com/webfiltering/webfiltering2.html and search for http://blog.limkitsiang.com. The central database classifies it as political organizations.
My God! I can't believe my eyes!
USM should be so malu to regard LKS blog as porno.......!!
Wats happening to this country???
My god! USM....................(speechless till the end of time)
I am so buzy laughing...rollong on the floor looking at such absurd mentality of the lowest order
in fact, USM has chosen the wrong target. They should block the educationMalaysia blog, as this website tells the truth of education situation in Malaysia especially higher education
Amboi, banyak orang bodoh ni!!!1
Satu lagi projek kerajaan barisan nasional. Undilah BN.
This is great! It truly truly shows the so-called "educated" mentality and the quality of our educators. What is the point being "schooled" in a local university? There is no "education" in Malaysia, the quality, I mean. Another Oxfart university....!
Why not ask the VC or thr USM pro office or even minister of higher education for this extreme oversight?
Guess soon other IPTAs will be following suit!Wow!!
In that sense Hashim BillBoard is better with his 'Disneyland'
Extreme oversight? It cannot beat our Nazri who called the "guan tao" (used by Chinese warrior Guan Kung, of the Legend, Romance of the 3 Kingdoms) as "kun tao" (in Cantonese means, "canned food".
But it beats me watching Astro channels 36, 29 seeing westerners speaking fluent Mandarin and Cantonese. if you watch the screen and just listening to the voice, you never know it was spoken by westerners in a foreign country. Here, Malay politicians heroically claimed we are a family and how multi racial we are, as embarassingly claiming to be "role models". he cannot even speak two simple words, "guan tao" (in Cantonese). maybe we should teach him how to say, "keris" in Mandarin or Cantonese. This is a disgrace to their claims. So much for oversight of another type!
No, that's absolute lies. I just accessed LKS blogsite from USM last night, and a while ago as well and it is accessible.
Anon 4/16/2007 03:43:00 PM
You can't said it's a lie. The author put "3 days ago" and are asking for verification from readers, so it is totally unjust to declare that Tony and KM are spreading lies.
By the way, are you some USM or BN retards? Do you understand what lies are, literally at least??
Haha whatever
Its no longer blocked my friend
I believed its not a personal attack against LKS, Id experienced being a USM internet user, Aha yes, the web filter sometimes doesn't classify things correctly especially blogs. I guess, the classification is done by Fortiguard which USM subscribed to.
USM filter porn, its a Fortinet mistake LKS was classified under that.
My advice, bfor taking anything seriously, do yr research first. TQ
The proof is there...
Whether it has been removed or taken down is not the issue
I still believe...
The proof shows that its a mistake by Fortinet, the web filter
USM filter porno classified by the web filter
FYI, USM also block other category such as streaming media
I've looked at Fortinet website, you can actually submit a website to the database and tell the administrator that website is porn, if the web admin didn't do their job properly, this mistake can happen.
I had been accessing LKS blog since last year with USMHotspot. No such problem noticed. Must be some mistake.
as curiosity, i tried to lookup the address of blog.limkitsiang.com which retrun then i tried to get this site category from fortinet website... guess what, it returns pornography... emm... i wonder, that number belong to tiny.webserveronline.com which do the multi-hosting business using this single ip address. may be some of the site hosted there were/are really a porno one.
for me, usm's guys have nothing to blame on as lks host his site by himself on porno rated web host.
my suggestion to lks, do host his blog elsewhere, even better if he manage to buy its own ip address.
I'm a student at USM and have never faced such problems accessing LKS's blog or any other "alternative" websites that would, in this context of blocking blogs, otherwise be blocked already.
As for streaming media, we students can only assume that the PPKT cannot handle the strenuous demand on bandwith. The internet service (in terms of connectability, speed, and coverage) students get through respective school labs, libraries, and Wifi isn't anything to shout about.
Apparently, the university website was awarded BEST local university website recently, my own experience tells me USM's student intranet remains one of the worst. Other than check examination time tables and results (which sometimes get leaked through the intranet before the official release date), there isn't much use of it.
new malay 3gp porn archive..
Being a user of the internet in the hostel in USM, PPkt had failed to maintained the line stable. Today, 02 september 2008 , i cant even access http://www.ppkt.eng.usm.my/ and www.lib.usm.my website despite being in the campus hostel now. It is so ironically and shame for PPKT . Can you imagine ? i'm in USM campus and i cant access the website by USM. SHAME. MEanwhile people outside the campus able to surf the websites without any problems. It happen occasionally. Last semester it happened and caused me to be fined by library.And today it happen again. Actually , i want to renew my 3 books for the pass 3 days. but Since it's holiday, the website which is not suppose to be holiday-(is holiday) , i cant even able to access it. today is working day.Thus, i have to go to library to renew my books. The fortiguard is very inconvenient for us students. sometimes , we need to downloads some important files.. but it is categorized in some blocking site. Thus, it makes our life here so miserable. One fact that i can tell you, my chinese coursemates , most of them chosen to live outside because of the reason of ppkt blocking this and that. i have encountered several times when i was urgently need to open my emails to get the files sent by my groupmates for assignment, the line was down. This has caused me personally to lose confidence towards the bad service by ppkt. If only the univ is providing enough capacity to sustain the needs of students here, it is no need for ppkt to ban this and that. It's just intruding our freedom and rights... Being a research university, this should not be happen from the very first. Main campus will be getting 155MBps, us at engineering campus - 16 MBps (internet)only-(soon).- at hostel. and 32MBps (LAN to main campus). can u see the difference? 155/ 16 =9.687 times. MPP (majlis perwakilan pelajar), please do something for us. Fight for us to ban this Fortiguard ... and let the top management to know how serious the impact if the line is so down from time to time. can u imagine the time when u click www.thestar.com.my it takes a few minutes to load and sometimes it didn't load.(the time for users to wait for load has been wasted just like that due to lagging /? whose fault? ppkt? us users?) I just encountered it yesterday. I;m not sure whether it's ppkt's problem or thestar's website problem. Miserable.. Why we cant we watch live TV thru internet? why must it be ban? Why the downloads need to be limits? why is friendster being block ? until 6pm? where is our freedom? i don't know who else to complain. the service by ppkt has leave us a bad image on it. it's useless to complain to ppkt since they knew problems and they act as they like but couldnt solve it in the time. Unsubscribe Fortiguard. Give us back the freedom. Increase the bandwidth of internet.
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