Saturday, August 08, 2009

Youth to Youth Forum

Hey guys, check out this upcoming forum. List of distinguished young leaders in Malaysia sharing their thoughts on a variety of topics.


hire said...

I check it out ... good.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

How about this important question to be pose to all the panelists?

"Who holds sway over human's destiny?"

Should be interesting to see their responses...

Anonymous said...

Like to ask what happened to Dr M's need to make millionaires, he should employ them and give them a million salary per month since he is a tycoon himself. Secondly, like his son said that unemployment in the country is so high with all the returning graduates Dr M should provide them with jobs. Action where his mouth is.

Character Education said...

I have checked out your forum. Its looking very nice. I 'll try to participate in it.

Unknown said...

orang2 malaysia, ternyata engkau sama saja seperti ANJING DAN BABI.
enkau pernah bilang ORANG INDONESIA ADALAH SAUDARAMU. tapi ternyata enkau hendak mencuri karya ORANG INDONESIA.
Angklung, tari pendet dan lainya, engkau akui sebagai milik negara MALAYSIA YANG TERKUTUK.
Itu namanya saudara...?
ingat kami akan berjuang melawanmu negara JAHANAM.
Engkau negara ISLAM tapi watakmu laksana orang JAHILIYAH.
Kami akan berjuang, kalau perlu kami akan membunuh orang2 malaysia yang kami temui.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the forum were we can share our thoughts.Love to participated there..Chk it..


high school abroad programs

Anonymous said...

could any one pls send me info regarding kriket kancil soon.

Anonymous said...

Are you from a Malaysian campus? Enter the OSK Investment Challenge & win real CASH!
Please visit:

Anonymous said...

This is an entrepreneurship and business based competition between university students. There are 16 teams of participants from various universities in Malaysia competing in an elimination style competition to become the winner of Youth Challenge.

Those who interested to join as participants in this coming december, please contact: kantha (014-913 8861) / Desiree (012- 959 8871) / Nor (013-740 8184) or you may visit our blog: