Friday, April 02, 2010

Personal Milestone (I)

It's been a while since my last post on this blog. I've been buried in my dissertation for the past six months. Thus the neglect of my blogging duties. It's been a long journey, one that has been physically, intellectually and emotionally challenging (and oftentimes exhausting) but after approximately 6 years here at Duke, I successfully defended my dissertation on Wednesday, March 31st, 2010! Later, I'll write a lengthier post on the process of obtaining my PhD but for now, I'm enjoying the feeling of having the PhD monkey off my back!


Unknown said...


Now I wish my turn would come soon enough…

XMOCHA said...

Congratulations Kian Ming, very happy for you!

Howsy said...

Congrats, Dr. Ong! Did your supervisor popped you a champagne?

Shawn Tan said...

Welcome to the club!!

WY said...

Congrats Kian Ming. It's my final 6 months, and i still find it viable to read blogs once a while. LoL.

can't wait the article on phd the journey. lol

dazzakoh said...

Congratulations Dr Kian Ming!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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umi said...

Congrats Dr Ong!!! Would love to read your PhD journey in US!!!


Sunduvan said...

I wish the same opportunity but money is always the problem.

Anonymous said...

welcome to poverty, Dr. Kian Ming

Anonymous said...

Hello Doc Kian Ming!

Is it true that American kids have eaten so much that obesity is rampart in USA while there are lots of children starving with thin and frail body in South America countries?

Is it true that when the Iranian President who visited Columbia university a couple of years back, he did say "When merchants and traders control and rule the world, peace and prosperity shall bestow upon all mankind"?

ah.yunn said...

Congratulations..hope i am still motivated and have the momentum of finishing mine..

Abu Abdullah Anas Al Banji said...

Glad to know, and congratulations.

Anonymous said...

tell me in less than 100 words wat u hv discovered in yr research

Anonymous said...

Pls remember getting the PhD is not the end but only the begining of your road to seek further knowledge

Ramlan said...

I hope Legenda will have PHD soon

Anonymous said...

In less than 100 words,hmmm....

Doc Kian Ming: I have learned that all men are born free. Free to spend money and consume. Free to breed, mate, multiply and spread.

It is Allah's special given right to all human beings to be born free, live free in a free society and engage in free trade,free enterprise, free speech and expression.

Moreover, I have found out that back in the early 1970s, Deng Xiaoping have already structured the social ladders of human society in this part of the world just as the same purpose of New Economics Policy being first introduced by Malaysian Government in the early 70s.

He explained it in explicit words in front of Chairman Mao and Secretary Kissinger.

The less minority your line of work or profession, the bottommost at the bottom of human food chain you will be, the more majority of your line of work or chosen profession, the higher at the top of human food chain you will be.

Therefore businessmen, bankers, capitalists, property developers, accountants,etc.. are all at the top of human food chain.

This is the rule of the law that every living human beings on this planet must uphold in order to live free.

So know yourself, know your social status and know your enemies.

And remember this, capitalism is the only necessary condition to attain freedom.

Oops..more than 100 words, my pardon.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a major achievement!

It's a wonderful feeling isn't it?

I remember that after I finished mine, I had seven wonderful months
where I could check out and read any book I wanted from the university library, and not only stuff related to my dissertation topic. (Night reading only as I was holding a full time job at the Maryland Dept of Health). Returned to SE Asia for good after that.

Please continue blogging for progressive social change in Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Dr Ong Kian Ming.

Forgot to sign my message of congratulations (4/15/2010 9:02 am)

Phua Kai Lit

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I reckon it must be tough for the past 6 years.

My son went to Duke to do PhD in Applied Maths in 2002 and left after one semester foregoing the scholarship. It was tough for him.

Good that you pull through.

Chun-Yang Yin said...

Congrats...The next course of action is for you to publish parts of your thesis in good international journals...

CY Yin

Anonymous said...

juz wondering, y did it take u twice as long to get ur phd completed when u're doing it full time.

is it the approach?
is it the supervisor?
is it the subject matter?

juz wondering...