Expensive race to higher education
SPECIAL FOCUS KUALA LUMPUR: Higher education is a passport to a better life, but unfortunately many Malaysian students do not enjoy easy access to it. More often than not, it is a goal they seek but cannot attain. It has seemingly become a privilege and not a right.
If given a chance, many would want to enter and graduate from top-notch universities in the US and UK. But the reality is that the route to these prestigious institutions is out of reach and many are left stranded at home.
What future do they have in Malaysia? Access to higher education to local public institutions of higher education is limited. A quota system introduced under the New Economic Policy (NEP) in 1970 and spiralling fees in private institutions have not helped matters.
There are currently 20 public universities and 627 higher education institutions (IPT), with Universiti Malaya being the oldest university in the country.
According to PJ Utara MP, Tony Pua, this was more than double in proportion to the population when compared to Singapore.
Under the 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP), the government does not intend to establish any more new public universities, while the private sector will not be prevented from setting up private institutions of higher learning.
FMT takes an indepth look at the trend emerging in Malaysia’s higher education system.
Only 29% obtain higher education qualifications
According to a report published by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (Unesco) in 2005, only 29.9% of Malaysians obtained higher education qualifications.
In contrast, both Singapore and Thailand have a higher percentage of population with tertiary education qualifications at 46% and 41% respectively, while in South Korea a whopping 89% of its population boasts higher education qualifications -- three times the percentage of Malaysia.
Said Professor James Chin, head of Arts of Monash University Malaysia: “Malaysia can never be a developed country if the rate remains this low. On the one hand, we have the problem of quality; on the other, the problem of percentage.”
“Quality is obviously harder to improve, and we are nowhere near becoming a knowledge-based economy,” he added.
FMT did a study of the many publications of the Higher Education Ministry and came up with a startling fact: only one in 60 secondary school students in the 1960s had access to higher education, and this trend is still rising today.
Malaysia, however, has set a target: it wants to see 40% of the population in the 19-24 age group enjoy access to higher education by 2020.
Fahmi Reza, a Student Power activist, has over the years been vehemently advocating that higher education be made a right and not a privilege.
“Everyone in this country deserves to get access to higher education... we must realise that obtaining a degree gives an individual an edge over another person who probably had no access to higher education... this is blatantly unfair,” he said.
Going corporate
Under the 10MP, it appears that the government is moving towards corporatising public universities in Malaysia.
According to a report by the Higher Education Ministry, some 50% of public funds for higher education will be disbursed based on the needs of the government by 2015 and 25% of all public university places will be fee-paying seats.
Currently, the government subsidises all seats in public institutions of higher learning at the rate of 90%. Students only have to fork out a meagre fee for critical courses. The government sets aside as much as RM8.5 billion a year subsidising fees of these institutions.
A medical student, for example, only has to pay RM19,000 to complete the course, with the government subsidising RM181,000. An engineering student only has to pay RM10,760, with the government subsidising RM94,644.
When asked about the trend to make seats fee-paying ones, Chin said the government has no choice but to move towards this direction.
“This is a worldwide trend, especially in countries like the UK where the numbers of seats have been dropping and the US where higher education is viewed as a privilege and where one benefits substantially from having a degree.”
“The only problem is that if we take this route, there will be repercussions -- if one has to pay for a service, the quality has to be there and quality has always been a problem faced by IPTs in Malaysia,” Chin said.
According to a report released by the Ministry of Higher Education, between 2001 and 2010, 15% of the students who had access to higher education were enrolled in public institutions, while another 15% were studying in private ones.
It is predicted that by 2020 as many as 90% of higher education students will have to go through a private institution to obtain their degree.
But if the education system is moving towards a corporate, fee-paying culture, how many Malaysian families can afford to send their children to institutions of higher learning?
When FMT did a random survey of fees charged by universities, it was found that for an individual to pursue medicine at the International Medical University (IMU), he would need RM351,000 or RM5,850 a month to finance his studies, excluding the cost of living.
Considering that more than half of Malaysian households earn a monthly income of less than RM3,000 (according to the Department of Statistics), few students can afford to pay their way to a tertiary education without getting a scholarship or a bank loan.
Mushrooming of private institutions
Private universities did not come into existence in Malaysia until 1996. Prior to that, many Malaysians who could not obtain a place in local public institutions but who had the money, would pursue their tertiary studies overseas.
In the 1990s, only 7.2% of Malaysians at university age were enrolled in local tertiary institutions, compared with 35.8% in Argentina and 54.8% in South Korea.
Private institutions emerged because of the lack of places in public institutions. Moreover, Malaysians who pursued overseas studies had also caused a large outflow of currency.
According to a 1995 Unesco report, some 20% or 50,000 Malaysians were studying abroad and this cost the country about US$800 million a year in currency outflow, constituting nearly 12% of the country’s current deficit.
Given this scenario, the government enacted the Private Higher Educations Institutions Act in 1996, which gave birth to private institutions.
Since 1996, the number of private institutions had been mushrooming, starting with six universities in 1990 and growing to 69 in 2010.
Many government-linked companies and political parties saw the rapid growth of private educational bodies as an opportunity to make money.
Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (Unitar) owned by Umno was formed in 1998; Tunku Abdul Rahman College (KTAR), owned by MCA, was set up in 1969; Asian Institute of Medicine, Science and Technology University (AIMST), owned by MIC, was launched in 2001, and Gerakan-owned Wawasan Open University was established in 2005.
Chin sees the growth of these institutions in a positive light. “Malaysia made the right decision. A lot of people back then could not get places, the majority of whom were non-Bumiputeras,” he said.
Pua also concurred, saying that the move (to set up private institutions) has benefited the non-Bumiputeras because it is cheaper now to pursue a degree locally.
“The problem, however, is quality. There is nothing wrong with setting up private institutions but there has to be quality. Don't just think of making money.
“If you read the advertisements published by these institutions, all of them boast they are quality institutions.”
Pua suggested that an independent organisation be formed to rank these universities so that the public will be well informed of their competency.
It is worth noting that private institutions have a significantly lower percentage of academic staff with PhD qualifications than those in public institutions and this could affect the quality of education delivered.
An unintended racial divide?
When FMT did a survey of the vast distinctions between public and private institutions, it was discovered that a significant racial divide existed in these institutions.
Currently, private institutions consist of 95% non-Bumiputera students while 70% of students in the public institutions are Bumiputeras.
Said Fahmi: “Surely, the government did not intend it to be that way but this is clearly the outcome of the NEP, which made it compulsory for 70% of seats in public universities to be allocated to Bumiputeras.”
He added that this is completely against Article 12 of the Federal Constitution which states, “Without prejudice, there shall be no discrimination against any citizen on the grounds only of religion, race, descent or place of birth in administration of any educational institution maintained by public authority, in particular admission of pupils.”
Chin, however, was of the view that the blatant implementation of such a ratio in public universities left non-Bumiputeras with no other choice but to head to private institutions to pursue tertiary education.
The biggest loser
The group worst affected in the race to tertiary education is the poorer sections of the ethnic minorities.
They are left behind by private institutions because they lack funds to finance themselves. They are left behind by public institutions due to the quota system. Their only hope is to obtain brilliant results so that they can secure a scholarship, lead a better life and get out of the poverty trap.
IPTA's medium of instruction is malays language?
I don't know abt the rest IPTAs, but my public university or specifically Economics and Business School use English language as the medium of instruction...
the opening of new IPTAs shall be stop immediately. We don't even have the sufficient academic staff nowadays.
Felt sad when I'm not been appreciated by the IPTA administrator... its time to consider to moved to abroad once I completed mine Master degree here in the next 2years.
I was just wondering why the no. of PhD holders in private institutions were much lower than those from public unis? Perhaps if we go more in detail and find out where they got their PhDs? Since the quality of private institutions are higher(based on world rankings). Besides, we shouldn't just compare the number of universities there are in a country. Like Singapore for example. They may have a lower universities to population ratio, but take a look at their university rankings. So far ahead. Sigh.
"The biggest loser: ... They are left behind by private institutions because they lack funds to finance themselves. ..." This is no longer true. Now with the PTPTN loan and the low fees charged by some truely not-for-profit private institutions, nobody desiring a degree can say opportunity is not open to him/her. Also, with many retired public university academics as well as returnees from abroad who faces career dead end at public universities now working in these private institutions, a student can often find some good quality deals in private institutions. Just open your eyes and be more selective in your choice. It's just a matter of time the academic community will recognise the social good they provide.
The private institutions may be mercenary and profit making in its motive or get the students to the chores of their lecturers like write their papers, do their surveys and be a slave. By right a studentship should be subsidized and paid not the other way round. What is the catch?
Some facts are obviously incorrect. The medium in instruction for sciences,law, economics and technologies in Public Universities is in English.Its not true 70% of student population are Malays/Bumiputra - universities compelled to adhere to 55:45 quotas, infact 70% of law student in prominent u are non bumiputras
what's the use of so many graduates if the economy can't support them and many end up being unemployed? whilst farms in cameron highlands and mamak shops are facing labour shortage.
more graduates doesn't always mean better. you know many banglas and myanmarese working here are university grads.
ais says . . .
Setara rates 18 universities as " excellent " ; as reported in the media...
The institutions were formed politically and did not form as a result of educational and academic objectives of knowledge creation. There is a danger that incriminations would be forthcoming in such institutions where conflicts of interests may arise due to political differences. Secondly, I agree what is the point of producing so many graduates when there are not enough jobs to go round save waiting on tables and cleaning up peanut husks.
any godfather available ?
Ground rules first: Never dare say that this is an impolilte or improper comment as it is in a much better tone than this splendid article.
Question: what do you say if my grandmother says that this is a FACTUALLY WRONG article. I am so surprised why the author did not bother to conduct proper research and as a result making a FOOL of himself and gullible readers who choose to believe convenient lies.
Lets gets some FACTS right:
PSPTN which is a loan program made available to ALL TERTIARY STUDENTS irrespective of race. There is no financial barriers to entry to tertiary studies in Malaysia
Tertiary enrolment rate is 39% as of 2009 for students between 17 to 23 years of age.
Quota for Bumi:Non-Bumi is 55:45; in fact for popular courses like engineering, law, etc. the class ratio is on average 40:60
95% non-bumiputra in IPTS? Even my grandmother will know that this is nonsense.
BTW I suggest my GRANDMOTHER to write a researched piece like this one - obviously the writer can LEARN something from her as she also did not have the opportunity to enter university in her time. Btw, has education been wasted on the good writer? There are vacancies in pump attendants - perhaps you wish to apply, they might consider you, but no guarantees mate, they just might want to read your articles in the interview. Sorry, no hope then...
More of that: http://freemalaysiatoday.com/fmt-english/opinion/letters/8102-restore-integrity-and-good-governance-in-utar
Sorry cant say my name coz of AUKU but ihav 2 stand 4 my uni. As 4 U Tech Malaysia (2 avoid detection) i hav 2 say that we use english for every subject except history like subject. this is mainly bcoz we hav foreigners. i don know about bumiputra quota but i do see alot of arabs, chinas and other middle east student here but few of them is chinese and indian. about the teaching hour, it is ridiculous coz i see my lect timetable is as pack as mine. one section is 3 hours, 4 section plus they do hav 2 do research as we are research uni all lect must do research. so basically not all true and i do agree about comprehensive corz and social good.
No matter what as long we all ensure that the present Malays and future Malays students' generations are given capitalists knowledge and Arts,Social Science,Law ,Psychology
etc..to study and acquire only then Malaysia's positive natural resources can be effectively extracted for plundering and pillaging.
geez, university student (7/25/2010 anonymous) can't even write properly. did he send his comment from a mobile phone?
Quoting loohan:
Since the quality of private institutions are higher(based on world rankings)
Where on earth is your ranking coming from? Ah Beng Consulting Group?
The writer needs to do more homework to get the facts right. Analysis must be based on facts not perceptions.
Here the discussion is about quality and quantity. Which is more important?
I put quality. Why? Just look at Taiwan, about 200 Universities and almost everyone is a graduate. Then India, more than 300 Universities and high percentage with Masters degrees. Where does that place them? It leads to high graduate unemployment. And you get taxi driver requirement as "Hold a Bacjelor's Degree from a local University". Do we want to go in that direction?
We must invest in and have a few (I say 5 at the moment) quality Universities. Let them be free from racial politics and be well funded. Let them hire top administrators from Singapore. Who says only Singapore can hire Malaysians but Malaysia cannot hire Singaporeans? Build up our quality, then NUS and NTU will be grasping for breath in trying to be ASEAN best.
isn't unesco is UN ecucation scientific and cultural organization?..please get ur facts right before publishing a controversial article!
Well for any first timer, the interview call letter of civil services brings
immense joy and apprehension of what will happen in interview.What kind of
questions will be asked and will I be able to answer those queries confidently and
upsc information
Worthful information you are providing. Good job. Keep going on...
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Nepal radio OnlineNo matter what as long we all ensure that the present Malays and future Malays students' generations are given capitalists knowledge and Arts,Social Science,Law ,Psychology
etc..to study and acquire only then Malaysia's positive natural resources can be effectively extracted for plundering and pillaging.Watch World TV Online
I was just wondering why the no. of PhD holders in private institutions were much lower than those from public unis? Perhaps if we go more in detail and find out where they got their PhDs? Since the quality of private institutions are higher(based on world rankings). Besides, we shouldn't just compare the number of universities there are in a country. Like Singapore for example. They may have a lower universities to population ratio, but take a look at their university rankings. So far ahead. Sigh.Watch World TV OnlineNepal radio Online
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Thanks. The information is clear and really useful for me. Study in the UK
Quota system in our Malaysian Public Universities and Matriculation Colleges should be abolished to show fairness to all races and also to maintain a high quality of education.
English should be used more as a medium of instruction not only in our public universities but also in our vocational schools.
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