Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Congrats to Datin Seri Rosmah for her Honorary PhD!

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the wife of our 6th Prime Minister, Datin Seri Rosmah, for receiving an Honorary Doctorate from UiTM in recognition of her contribution towards early education.

"In his speech, vice-chancellor Datuk Seri Prof Dr Ibrahim Abu Shah said Rosmah’s diligence towards propagating early education had resulted in the formulation and formalisation of policies in the area.

He said Rosmah had launched the Permata Project to raise the quality of early education programmes and to make it available to more children, especially those in the rural areas, through the setting-up of Permata centres nationwide."


lan said...

dato seri dr rosmah?

WY said...

kian ming, you are fck'in kidding me right? you actually think she deserves that? what a shame to the rest of us who are actually workin towards a real doctorate. i won't even want ppl to append my name with a dr.

Anonymous said...

I can't help but agree with tomatoinc with his statement. What the hell did she do to deserve it? Kian Ming, apparently, you have gradually lost some credibility and objectivity with regards to educational issues in Malaysia...

Fikri said...

Wow. I'm inclined to believe that was made while your tongue was firmly in your cheek, but some of the other comments also made me smile. :)

Andrew Loh said...

hahaha :)

Anonymous said...

If she at least used her own money to fund the Permata Project, she 'might' actually deserve it. But I'm sure shes using tax money for this, in which all Malaysians should get a doctorate!

Anonymous said...

What to do? Low-class uni awards the doctorate to people who are not even academics. Even the VC of UiTM is trying to be a low-class politician. Sigh

A Nony Mouse said...

Let me guess:

1. It is a slow news day.
2. You are having a mental block.
3. You have a motive.
4. You are being naughty / cheeky.
5. You worship her.
6. You are covering all your bases.
7. All of the above.

I hear the Armed Forces University is also thinking of giving her a similar award. They are deciding in what and for what.

I didn't see you congratulate Abdullah Ahmad Bad Awi when he got his honorary PhD in "Democracy" recently. Perhaps you missed it, perhaps you didn't.

Marc Ng said...

I believe Kian Ming is just being sarcastic ;P

Anonymous said...

hehe...the way to go up is to:
1) grease
2) Jack up
3) fan
4) Lift
5) Kow tow
6) Bodek
7) Ampu
8) etc

those in power above.


Anonymous said...


New US ranking. Sorry to digress.

Anonymous said...

OFFTOPIC: "Scandals at UM’s Indian Studies Dept" http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/8/5/nation/4457435&sec=nation

Anonymous said...

I think check all departments and faculties in UM besides the Tamil studies department!
UM was not like wat UM was in the 70s!!!

chapchai said...

How much is this honorary PhD awarded by UiTM worth? 2 sen?

Anonymous said...

i sen

Anonymous said...

Look at the keyword guys ... UiTM. And furthermore, I think the author is more likely to be fishing for comments than serious about the posting :p

The irony of it is ... it says its in recognition of her contribution towards early education, but check out her comments in this article in the Star

Hmm ... wonder if the government is providing fair distribution of funds to chinese and tamil schools? (Can somebody supply some financial numbers, i wouldn't like to assume:p)

Is there a reason why these schools are so reliant on contribution from the community?

Wonder if Datin would be so kind to help out here. A whisper in the ear of her hubby to help chinese & tamil schools more so that the staff can concentrate on education than having to worry about funds for the school?

Congratulations Datin Seri Dr Rosmah, PhD (UiTM) ;)

Anonymous said...

Yes.... and UiTM Professor is seeking for PhD students.. Apply for it! Even Rosmah can get a PhD degree from there, you will be able to get it too!

jitsinexpress said...

This posting is either the work by UMNO's cyber-troopers who hacked into Edu in malaysia,


The writer is just being a little bit sarca..s..t..i.....
erm... HONEST..


Anonymous said...

It's just a bloody honorary doctorate, not a real PhD. No big deal, UiTM can give her the Vice Chancellors' underwear for all I care!

k a l a m b o n g said...

The world we live today, universities are getting worse and worse

Not only those from M'sia, but also those abroad

Like for example, one Australian university has given an honorable doctorate degree to a very corrupted fella from Sarawak, yeah, the white hair guy

What is the action from that Australian university tells us? That as long as you can pay us enough $$$, we will give you a doctorate degree

BTW, the same Australian university has branches in M'sia too

Anonymous said...

Hi Kian Ming,

Next time if you see her, please help me to ask her this question: 'Where is Bala and his entire family?'. I'm sure many people are curious to know the answer.

Anonymous said...

In Malaysia, murder suspects can also get Honorary PhD. This is truly an international joke!! What a shame!! Malaysia truly Boleh!!

Anonymous said...

The problem is not with UiTM, but it's with its NC - Ibrahim Abu Shah who is the KING OF BODEK... and this Ibrahim Abu Shah is giving all those bad reputations to UiTM...