I've just read another report on the same issue in the New Straits Times (NST) on the same day here, which essentially said the same thing:
Deputy Human Resources Minister Datuk Abdul Rahman Bakar... said the number of unemployed graduates from public institutions of higher learning stands around 70 per cent, and private institutions of higher learning around 26 per cent.

However, if you read the actual physical copy of the NST (shown above), there is a little caption on the top right corner that said:
The above statements clearly means something different. It just means that of the 20,000 or so unemployed graduates registered with the Ministry of Human Resources, 70% graduated from public institutions, while another 26% graduated from private institutions.
- 70 per cent from public institutions of higher learning
- 26 per cent from private institutions of higher learning
This is obviously completely different from what the Sun claimed whereby "[s]ome 70% of public universities and institutes of higher learning graduates in the country are unemployed."
Given that the total number of tertiary students in the public institutions of higher learning constitutes approximately 53.4% of the total number of tertiary students in the country, a 70% contribution to the total number of unemployed graduates in the country is obviously disproportionately large.
Well, at least one riddle solved. :)
Tony... it took you so long to notice that?
Sometimes, newspapers and magazines will tell "half-truths" to create sensations and sell more. After all, aren't they in business to make a profit?
What to expect of Sun newspaper....its a FREE paper! Good to collect and sell to Sau pau Po chee
Old newspaper! Paper Lama! Satu jengkal RM 10....hehe
Maybe you can visit here for details.
(House of Representative Hansard - in Malay version, PDF format. English translation is still not available).
After Tony has so kindly clarified,
NST on 7 july said:
"...DPM forms comttee .. to look into the numbers and issue of unemployed graduates..."
It was mentioned in that piece of news that..their first job is to count how many unemployed there are plus what % who, what, where..ie still counting and non-stop counting..
The higher edu. minister, Mustapa Mohd. cont'd.."at present, the numbers of unemployed graduates are inconsistent as there are 3 separate sources: the Stats Dept, the Nat. Economic Action Council, and the Human Resource Department.
"The numbers are always changing and differ from one another," Mustapa said ..
So the authorities themselves are rather blurr..on numbers..
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